Monday, May 16, 2011

Kerala Ahmadis: Word and Deed Shall Never Meet!

കേരളത്തിലും അതിന്റെ പ്രാദേശിക ഘടകങ്ങള്‍ സ്ഥാപിതമായി. കരുനാഗപ്പള്ളി, ആലപ്പുഴ,കണ്ണൂര്‍, മാത്ര എന്നിവിടങ്ങളിലായി ഇരുപതിലധികം അഹ്മദികള്‍ അതില്‍ ചേര്‍ന്നതായി അമീര്‍ കൊല്ലം സ്വദേശി ജമാലുദ്ദീന്‍ റാവുത്തര്‍ അറിയിച്ചു. കണ്ണൂര്‍ സ്വദേശിയും ഖാദിയാനി ഗ്രന്ഥകാരനുമായ ഇ.താഹിറും കുടുംബവും അവരില്‍ പെടും.

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They swear by peace, love and empathy for all mankind.

Yet, they cut off blood relations even as they speak of fostering universal brotherhood.

In a recent e-mail to the Amir Sahib of Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam, Kerala, theAhmadiyya Youth Movement of South Kerala wrote:

We, at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, firmly believe that its time for we all to think about what we have been doing. For the past 122 years we have been working on this goal of restoring love, peace and brotherhood across the globe. Our mission is to instill our motto inside every human being on earth which is "Love for All, Hatred For None" which as you can perhaps understand, is today, the need of the hour".

People should be forgiven if they thought the Ahmadiyya Community means what it says.

To those who know, everything is absolutely clear:

This message is merely for public consumption- hoodwinking the public through noble words! It has nothing to do with their inner working philosophy.

What do they teach common Ahmadis in their mosques?

Ahmadis cannot and should not invite a member of the Jamaat Ul Sahih Al Islam to any of the social/family functions, including weddings. Even if the persons happen to be blood relations, they cannot be invited except at the cost of consequences, including expulsion from the system of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat!

Thus, common Ahmadis are not allowed to invite some one who says“Alaihissalam” when he hears the name of the Promised Massih Hadhrat Ahmad (as)!

Yet, the Ulema have no problem and Ahmadis are free to invite atheists, agnostics, polytheists, nature worshippers, Hindus, Christians and other Muslims to their social/ family functions!

Had it not been for the tragic destruction of the teachings of Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the antics of the Ahmadi Ulema could have been dismissed as a mere joke!

Yet, what a joke it is! The leadership is trying to save Ahmadiyyat by destroying the teachings of Hadhrat Ahmad (as)?!

Are you seeking to foster universal brotherhood by cutting off blood relations?!

You preach love for all, hatred for none”. Yet, you have no qualms about injecting hatred into the minds of common people by your un-Islamic orders! Indeed, social boycotts are not Islamic, they are Satanic: the practice of Kafreen in the time of an Elect of Allah, says the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Prophet (sa) never practiced it, he was a victim of it at the hands of the satanic forces of the Day. Whom are you trying to emulate by doing what you are doing? 

Alas, the Imaan of Ahmadis have gone back to the Pleiades! Why should Allah send an Elect of His if their Imaan was still around in the Earth?

The e-mail was written in the name of God and His religion. For the sake of God and Islam, 

please reflect on what the Holy Qur’an says:

 “O ye who believe, why do you say what you do not do?
 Most hateful is it in the sight of Allah that you say what you do not do”.  
                                                                              - (61:3-4)

unfortunate statements ever made by the Fourth Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad

Fourth Khalifa and the Sign of ‘Laila-tul Qadr’- I

One of the most unfortunate statements ever made by the Fourth Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad Sahib was in the course of a Friday Sermon of August 27, 1993. He stated:

"Since the imamat [i.e. Ahmadiyya Khilafat] is in existence, there is no need for the coming of a Mujaddid. The supporting testimony of God has crushed this evil [fitna] for all time. The imamat shall not end till the Day of Judgment, so there is no need for a Mujaddid till the Day of Judgment. . . . Only those can deny this fact whose hearts are devoid of the fear of God. . . . As God has indeed spoken the truth, and the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement has indeed spoken the truth, so those people are false who believe that imamat will now come to an end and now that the new century [Hijra] has started they must wait for a Mujaddid. Thirteen years have already passed since the beginning of the fifteenth century and in this period no Mujaddid has arisen outside the imamat of the Ahmadiyya Movement. This has exposed this false propaganda. Even if God makes them live for a hundred years they will not see another Mujaddid." - Al-Fazl,30 September 1993.

Why the Statement is unfortunate?

1. Because it was made by a man elected by people and was given the position of Khalifa of the Promised Massih (as) to lead them in the path ofSahih Al Islam 
2. Because he thought that by saying what he did, he was following in the footsteps of the Promised Massih (as) and defending the larger cause of the Jamaat and Islam for the future.

3. Because the best of intentions may not be sufficient at times- People can be wrong even when they fervently believe something to be true and correct.

Why the Fourth Khalifa is Wrong?

The Fourth Khalifa certainly believed that the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement has indeed spoken the truth”. How did the Promised Massih (as) look at the question of Islamic Khilafat? How did the Promised Massih (as) look at the coming of Mujaddidin? Did the Promised Massih (as) believe or state that no Mujaddid will ever come after him? In short, did the Promised Massih (as) share the perception of Fourth Khalifa on the matter?

Muslims as a spiritual community have always had the Holy Qur’an among them. Like wise, the noble traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) were also with them to guide them on spiritual matters. Yet, Allah, the Most High made the arrangement of sending His Khulafa in every age to dispel wrong notions and doctrinal misunderstandings of believers. A Mujaddid do not add up or subtract anything from the faith; he only restores and revives the original purity of the faith. In his writings, the Promised Massih (as) has made it absolutely and abundantly clear that the Divine Plan is for all times, as the religion of Islam is for all times. 

Hadhrat Ahmad (as) had a broad understanding of religious history and a profound sense of spiritual experience. He did not reduce the concept of Islamic Khilafat solely to the category of leaders being elected by the assembly of people, as the Ahmadiyya Community is unfortunately doing today. Those who reduce Khilafat to the period of thirty years in early Islam have been described as “foolish” by the Promised Massih (as) as they “overlook the true purpose of Khilafat”. According to the Promised Massih (as), Muslims are offered permanent Khilafat by the Holy Qur’an and the noble traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). For the Promised Massih (as), the Islamic Khilafat consisted of not only the four righteous Khalifas who were elected by people to preside over the Muslim community at a time when no divinely ordained Mujaddid was around. For him, Islamic Khilafat also included the divinely ordained Mujaddidin who were raised in every century.

Hadhrat Ahmad (as) specifically linked the coming of Mujaddidin at the turn of every century to the prophecy regarding Khilafat in Surah Al- Nur. Addressing those who oppose the need for Mujaddidin, he stated: “It should be remembered that the perfection of faith does not dispense with the need of safeguarding it…These people do not reflect that the completion of a structure is one thing and its seasonal cleaning is quite another. It should be remembered that Mujaddidin do not add anything to or subtract any thing from the faith. They restore to the hearts that which had been lost. To assert that it is not necessary to believe in Mujaddidin is disobedience of a Divine command. He has directed: ‘Whoever rejects the Khulafa, after they have been sent, is indeed from amongst the sinners’ (24: 56).  [Shahadat-ul-Qur’an, Ruhani Khaza’in, vol.6, pp.339-352]

In his testamentary declaration, Al Wassiyat, where the Promised Massih (as) spoke about the future, the message is loud and clear: He specifically asked the community of followers to remain united under a single spiritual leadership till the arrival of an Elect of Allah. Hadhrat Ahmad (as) stated:

“Let the righteous persons of the Jamaat who have pure souls accept Bai‘at in my name. God Almighty desires to draw all those who live in various habitations of the world, be it Europe or Asia, and who have virtuous nature, to the Unity of God and unite His servants under one Faith. This indeed is the purpose of God for which I have been sent to the world. You, too, therefore should pursue this end, but with kindness, moral probity and fervent prayers. And till that time when someone inspired by God with the Holy Spirit is raised by Him, all of you should work in harmony with one another. (Al Wassiyat, p.9)

Hadhrat Ahmad (as) believed in the authenticity of the tradition of the Holy Prophet (sa) regarding the coming of Mujaddidin and projected it in support of his famous claim as the Mujaddid of the Fourteenth Century. Even in Al Wassiyyat, he wrote: Had the world opened its eyes it would have seen that I appeared at the beginning of a century. Nearly one fourth of the fourteenth century has elapsed…” (p.7). On every opportunity that became available to explain the importance of the tradition regarding the coming of divinely ordained Mujaddidin at the turn of a Century, the Promised Massih (as) urged his followers to be careful against complacency on the matter. He cautioned that any one who raises objections against this noble tradition objects to the wisdom of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa). Further, he stated that rejecting this tradition amounts to denial of a Divine Plan of Allah, the Most High.   

Today, the mainstream Ahmadiyya Community is daring to negate the applicability of that noble tradition of Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) in the new Century while claiming to be the greatest defenders of the faith. Unlike the Promised Massih (as), his so- called disciples do not consider ita disobedience to the command of the Divine to assert that it is not necessary to believe in a Mujaddid. They consider that the meaning of Islamic Khilafat has changed after the death of Hadhrat Ahmad (as). They feel that whatever has been said by the Promised Massih (as) regarding the Mujaddidin is applicable only in the past. In other words, they have virtually disowned the understanding of Hadhrat Ahmad (as) regarding the profound meaning of Islamic Khilafat while simultaneously claiming that the Promised Massih (as) always spoke the truth.

The Ahmadiyya Community today treats Khilafat and Mujaddidiyyath as separate issues. They no longer believe that Mujaddidiyyath is the greater part of Islamic Khilafat as understood by Hadhrat Ahmad (as) and consider that man elected Khalifas have replaced Mujaddidin forever. These man elected- Khalifas are, then, raised to the position and status of Mujaddidin and are attributed the qualities and faculties of an Elect of Allah. This perversion of spiritual doctrine has been done and is being justified in the name of protecting and perpetuating ‘Islamic’ Khilafat till the Last Days. It is a strange irony that by reducing Islamic Khilafat to the system of elected Khalifas, the Community has preferred to adopt the perspective of those who were described as “foolish” by the Promised Massih (as). In the name of promoting the legacy of Hadhrat Ahmad (as), the teachings of the Promised Massih (as) have been trampled to dust.

According to the official website of the Ahmadiyya Community, the Promised Massih (as) wrote 91 Books in languages as varied as Urdu, Arabic andPersian and it is estimated that in his Collected Works, there are over 5,00,000 statements in total. And yet, contrary to the official Ahmadiyya position, there is not even a single statement exists to exhibit as  evidence to suggest that Hadhrat Ahmad (as) ever thought that Ahmadiyya Khilafat elected by the assembly of the faithful will remain the only form of Divine favour on the Community till the Day of Judgement. On the other hand, there are innumerable writings and prophecies that suggest that the Promised Massih (as) truly believed in the arrival of divinely ordained people in future as well.There are so many references one can point out and add up from the writings of the Promised Massih (as) in this regard.

1. A question put to the Promised Massih (as) and his reply to it are recorded as follows:

"29 September 1905, before noon. A man asked the question: 'Will aMujaddid come after you?' He [the Promised Massih] replied:

"What is wrong with a Mujaddid coming after me? The prophethood of Moses had come to an end, and that is why his chain of successors ended with Jesus. However, the dispensation of the Holy Prophet Muhammad will last till the Day of Judgment. Therefore, Mujaddidin will arise in it till Judgment Day. As long as the Day of Judgment withholds its destruction, it does not matter that someone else should come. We most certainly do not deny that good and righteous people will continue to come, and then all of a sudden the Day of Judgment will come." (Ruhani Khaza'in no. 2, vol. 8, p.119.)

2. In his book Shahadat al-Qur'an, the Promised Massih (as) has argued long and vigorously that successors to the Holy Prophet Muhammad will always be arising. He writes:
"It should also be remembered that the conveying of the argument [of Islam] takes place in a different sense in every age, and the Mujaddid of the time comes with the powers, faculties and qualities upon which depends the reformation of the prevalent evils. God will continue to do this forever,as long as He pleases that the signs of righteousness and reform remain in the world." (p. 46)

3. While the Fourth Khalifa has said that "till the Day of Judgment" noMujaddid will come, the Promised Massih (as) commenting on a verse of the Holy Qur’an said the very opposite:
"Another point is that the letter ra in the word alif-lam-ra shows that this word refers to the permanent institution of Mujaddidin and the sent ones, which will continue till the Day of Judgment. . . . All these miraculous works and victories which took place at the hands of the Mujaddidin among the followers of the Holy Prophet Muhammad after him, and will continue till the Day of Judgment, are really the achievements of the Holy Prophet."(Ruhani Khaza'in no. 2, vol. 2, p.63.)

Did the Fourth Khalifa has any malafide intention in saying what he did? He was, most likely, driven by a desire to protect Ahmadiyya Khilafat more than anything else. Yet, the method he adopted- denying the possibility of Divine favour on the community through the coming of Mujaddidin in future- directly contradicted the perspective of the Promised Massih (as).  And more egregiously, the view of the Fourth Khalifa went against the Divine Plan for the protection of Islam in every age.  Possibly unknowingly, the Fourth Khalifa drifted away from the True Path in spite of his noble character. The leadership of the best of men cannot replace the bounty of revelation from Allah the Most High. It is to dispel precisely such wrong notions and misunderstandings that Allah will always send His Khalifa in every age.  







Hazrat Amiroul Mo'meneen Mohyiuddin Munir Ahmad Azim accompanied by his family members went to Reunion Island from 5th to 11th April 2006 to propagate the message of Islam.
As soon as they checked at their hotel ‘Saint Denis' several members of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen came to visit them.
On April 6, 2006 , Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din met with some members of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen of Morocco who were on the island on a professional visit. They gave him all the official documents concerning the registration of the Djama'at in Morocco. Moreover, after a long conversation charged with emotion, they gave him the will (in French and Arabic) of an old pious person who, before his death in January 2006, bequeathed to Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen a part of his properties. At the same time in the will he mentions the extraordinary signs and dreams which he has seen in favor of the divine manifestation in the person of Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim and Hazrat Amiroul Momeneen Zafrullah Domun of Mauritius.
May Allah honour him in the other world ( Akhérat ) and bless him with a place in Jannat-ul-Firdos . (Amîn)
The members of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen of Morocco seized the opportunity of their visit to the island to meet Hazrat Amir' oul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim in person and to show their love, respect and devotion for Islam, the Muhyi-ud-Din of this era and for the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen. All praise belongs to Allah ( Alhamdolillah, Soumma Alhamdolillah ), the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen was officially registered in Morocco. The number of adherents is constantly increasing despite the difficulties encountered.

On the same day, in the afternoon the members of Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen of Réunion Island held their first General Assembly where more than 30 members were present in order to elect the executive members of the Djama'at. The elections and the decision to choose the center for the Jama'at were held in the presence of the Muhyi-ud-Din, Hazrat Amir' oul Momeneen Munir Ahmad Azim. All the documents were presented at the registrar (“La Prefecture”) and all praise belongs to Allah ( Alhamdolillah ) the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen was officially registered in Reunion Island . Later on some other members took the oath of allegiance ( Baiat ) with Hazrat Amir' oul Momeneen Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim.

On Friday April 7, 2006 , the Spiritual Head of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen delivered his sermon at the Mosque "Qouwwatoul Islam" of Sainte Clotilde and here is a summary of what he said:
After reading the chapter Al Fatiha , Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim recited the following verses of the Holy Quran:
"We placed what there is on the earth to embellish it, in order to test (men and in order to know) which of them are the best in their actions" (Chapter 18, V.8)
"You dissipated your excellent (goods) and you enjoyed it fully during your life on earth..." (Chapter 46, V.21)
In the light of these two verses which I have just read, you will agree with me that "THIS WORLD IS A TRAP".
Living in this modern world can be compared with a walk in the forest. At first glance, all appears marvelous, exciting... It is an adventure! One is confident, enthusiastic, avid to discover this pleasant and unknown universe; one advances with a confident step, determined, ready to face all the dangers, unaware... and, without even realizing it, one ends up finding oneself in the centre of this forest, alone, subject to panic , suddenly conscious of the situation. This endeavor which at first seemed inoffensive, appearing as an enthralling and pleasant walk, now appears extremely perilous. Anything can happen. One can be misled and lose one's path, be victim of attacks, or be wounded...
But there is no question of losing one's calm and despair. The intelligent walker has inevitably equipped himself with a plan before leaving. He pulls himself up and all becomes clear again. He has only to follow this plan to get out of this bad situation; thus he will avoid the traps and the obstacles. He will arrive at his destination and once he has found his way he will be serene again.
This traveler is man and the forest represents the life of this world. His plan is the Holy Quran and the practices ( Sounnah) of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w). To abide by these is the only guarantee to escape the thousand dangers of the forest. To forget these two, to ignore them, is to run towards one's loss. Did not the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) say in his last sermon: "I am leaving among you two things, to which if you adhere, will preserve you from mistakes, (will give you) a clear orientation, i.e the book of God and my practices ( Sounnah )...”?
As believers, we must realize that this life on earth is, like this forest, full of attractions and dangers. We must understand that it does not limit itself to our GSM, our beautiful cars, our rich stylish clothing... They are only transitory tangible properties and without value. To stick to this world, is to expose one's faith to perdition. It is necessary, just like the walker of our parable, to stop one moment, to reflect, wonder about the essence of one's existence. What is the reason of our coming on earth? What will become of us after death?
Let us remember that we are Muslims and that we belong to the Oummah of the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) and that this is a privilege which has been granted to us. Let us recall that death awaits us and it is then that begins our true life. Soon we will travel to the next world and our final destination will depend on this small terrestrial walk.
Alas, we are affected with blindness. Our love for the pleasures of this world, these satanic traps, is a disease which could be fatal for us, a terrible gangrene. We do not believe in the hereafter with certainty. Man's glance has been diverted from it (the next world).
It is high time, like the walker right in the middle of the forest, to give our existence back its true meaning and to become aware that Allah created us to adore and obey Him. Let us follow the plan that He left us and find again the path of rectitude.
May Allah help us to be clear-sighted and to adore Him as He should be. Amine.

The Dalmon magazine of Reunion Island has published a speech which Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim had delivered in Moufia, in a function where other Muslims had invited him to attend. The article was written by the journalist Miss Valin Florence.

The same day the Arc-en-ciel Radio of Saint-Denis granted an interview “live” to Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din for 10 minutes and the interviewer was Mr. Yves Carré, a journalist working for the Radio.

On April 8, 2006, a program on the life of the Prophet (Seerat-un-Nabi) was presented where on this occasion Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din Munir Ahmad Azim had to speak “live” on Radio ‘Sky Réunion' for 10 minutes.

After the prayer of the afternoon, before sunset ( Salaat-ul-As r) in Saint-Denis , Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din had a special meeting with the young boys and girls of the SWAD Madrassa where he talked to them on prayer ( salaat ). Pupils, teachers and parents were all present and that contributed to make this day a real success by God's will. Alhamdolillah .
Here is a summary of the speech which lasted for about fifty minutes:
Prayer is the most significant pillar of Islam after the profession of faith ( Chahâdah ). One of the last recommendations of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) to his "Oummah", before he left this world, had to do with the observance of prayer. During prayer the believer converses directly with Allah. Indeed, in a Hadith, it is reported that when the Muslim recites the various verses of the chapter " Fatiha ", Allah answers him immediately. It is perhaps the reason for which the Holy Prophet has said that prayer is the ascension “ Mirâdj " of the believer. Prayer is also a means for the believer that enables him to express by his gestures and his behaviour his total submission towards Allah. Prayer is an extraordinary means of purification of sins for the Muslim, as has been explained by the Prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) in many of his sayings.

Sunday April 9, 2006 was a very busy day for the Muhyi-ud-Din for there were several more programs on the " Seerat-un-Nabi ". Hazrat Muhyi-ud-Din was the chief guest at the Vauban Salle Polyvalent Saint-Denis where he delivered the closing speech. A summary of his speech written by Jacqueline Rémy was published in the magazine "L'express" of Reunion Island .

During his brief visit, Hazrat Amirulmomeneen had the opportunity to meet with nine businessmen from Madagascar . Their conversation was very fruitful. In the end six amongst them took the oath of allegiance with him. Furthermore they invited him to visit them when he comes to Madagascar .

Later on the Muhyiuddin was invited in the Noor-é-Islam Mosque in Moufia to speak on the life of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w). After the sunset prayer ( Salaat - ul Maghrib ) the same day he went to the “Petite île – bas de la rivière” Mosque.

The Hazrat Amiroul Momeneen and his family came back to Mauritius in the afternoon of Tuesday 12 th April 2006 after an eventful week devoted to spreading the word of Allah.
Before proceeding to Reunion Island Allah told him “Go to Reunion Island , you will get some good news over there”. ‘Again spring came and the words of Allah were fulfilled' as has been so beautifully expressed by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s). The Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen continues to grow as was promised by Allah when He said “Don't worry, the Jamaat will grow step by step.” By the Grace of Allah within less than a year the Jamaat has been registered in four other places, namely, India , Mayotte , Morocco and Réunion Island and we are still waiting for a confirmation from Indonesia . All praise belongs to Allah. He does whatever He wants without asking for anyone's authorization whoever he may be.
“Fatabaarakallaahu Rabbul Aalamiin”
Blessed is He who is the Lord of all the worlds.

Interview Hazrat Amir'oul Momeneen Munir Ahmad Azim

Interview Hazrat Amir'oul Momeneen
  Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen for


            Munir Ahmad Azim,                                                                                       
Hazrat Amir'oul Momeneen Muhyi-uddin,                                                 
Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen

Dear Mubashar Dar Saheb,

Assalamoualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuhu

I thank you again for your invitation for an Interview with this humble one in the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen.


Brother Munir Ahmad Azim Sahib would you please tell us what circumstances lead your disassociation from the Ahmadiyya community and encouraged you to create your own Jama'at?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

Allah had given Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad a great favour of writing a big book "Knowledge, Rationality and Truth" to explain that the door of Prophethood, Divine revelations is never closed but when Allah put him on trial (when I wrote to him and told him that I am receiving Divine Revelations) He chose not to believe me and expelled me along with my brother Hazrat Mokarram Amir'oul Momeneen Zafrullah Domun from the Nizam-é-Jamaat. This means that he did not put into practice what he had preached for all these years of his Khilafat.

I am not against Khilafat. That is why with trust in Allah and as Mirza Tahir Ahmad was the Khalifa at that time, and under divine instructions, I informed the Khalifa about what Allah had revealed to me at that time. He chose to listen to the lies of his Amir of Mauritius, Additional Vakilul Tabshir, and did not care to listen to my versions of things and condemned us (my brother and I) without having listened to us. But they will bear the consequences of their own evil actions because Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad based his decisions on the false report of his Amir (Mauritius).

"But those who reject Our signs and turn away from them with disdain, -these are the inmates of the Fire; they shall abide therein". (Ch.7, V.37)

"Those who reject Our signs and turn away from them with disdain, the gates of spiritual firmament will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Heaven until a camel goes through the eye of a needle. And thus do We requite the offenders" (Ch.7, V.41)

Even at that moment, we continued to go to the various branch in Mauritius to perform Salaat-ul Jummah but one day on the Occasion of Eid-ul Adha of the year 2001, the Amir of Mauritius gave orders to close the Mosque where we were going to perform our Eid prayers. A rare happening indeed. An Ahmadi Amir, Mr Amine Jowahir, acted like a non- ahmadi from Pakistan by closing a mosque on Eid Day so that an Ahmadi may not pray in it.

Later on in 2003 Allah comforted me and ordained me to form my own Jamaat, the True Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma'oud Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s) - True in the sense that it is the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen who will revive the teachings of the Promised Messiah (a.s) that the people had trampled to dust. Allah Himself gave the name of "Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen" to all true believers of Islam, Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s) and this humble one.


Do you consider yourself a follower of the Promised Messiah a.s. or your teachings are different from him in any regard?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

I am the follower of my Aka (master) Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (s.a.w) and the follower of Hazrat Massih Ma'oud, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s) and my teachings are not different from them. Instead I have come from Allah to consolidate and stand as a witness to the truthfulness of their claim.

I am both a Mohyuddin and a follower of Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s).


What is your opinion towards the Khulafa of the Jama'at Ahmadiyya. Their ability and approach towards achieving the ultimate victory of Islam and Ahmadiyyat as prophesied by the Promised Messiah a.s.?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

I believe in the Khalifas of Jamaat Ahmadiyya like I said above: Hazrat Moulvi Hakim Nooruddin, Hazrat Mousleh Ma'oud Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad, and also Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad.

Although they were not directly divinely appointed by God Almighty, Allah was their help as long as they were on the right path and preaching the true teachings of Islam. Allah gave them true dreams and revelations to help them in their task, because they were righteous in their devotion to help the cause of Allah Ta'ala and Allah blessed them with great knowledge and Insight. But please remember one thing:-

Allah says in the Holy Quran, Chapter 29 (Al-Ankabut), V.2-3:

"Do men think that they will be left alone because they say, 'We believe', and that they will not be tried? And We did try those who were before them. So Allah will assuredly know those who are truthful and He will, assuredly, know the liars".

Allah will always try (test) the people who say that they are propagating Tawheed. In the past, Allah tested His various prophets like, Hazrat Adam, Ibrahim, Hazrat Ismael, Hazrat Musa, Hazrat Haroon, Hazrat Nuh, Hazrat Yunus, Hazrat Yusuf, and Hazrat Suleiman etc... Some of them at one time in their life received reprimand from Allah for not obeying His commands (like Hazrat Adam, Hazrat Yunus, Hazrat Suleiman etc...) and Allah punished them (where Hazrat Suleiman from being a king became a beggar, Hazrat Adam was banished from the place Allah had chosen for him, HazratYunus was pushed from the ship he was in and a whale swallowed him) but after they repented Allah forgave them and gave them back their honour and status as prophets of God.

So, Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad also, like a servant of Allah, like a guardian of Deen-é-Islam was bound to be tried by Allah. Once in a Khutba Jummah, he said that 52 persons were getting revelation in the Jamaat é Ahmadiyya but when I informed him about my revelations, he turned his back on it and labeled these revelations as "so-called revelations" and he said that we (I and my brother Hazrat Mokarram Amir'oul Momeneen Zafrullah Domun) will encounter a fearful destiny.

As a spiritual father of Jamaat é Ahmadiyya, he should not have said this. Instead Allah had given him two ears to hear both my version and the version of his dear Amir, but he did not even take the trouble to hear my version to know the truth and he based himself on the report full of lies of his Amir, and expelled my brother and I from the Nizam-é-Jamaat.

It is through this matter that I got a clash with him, because Jamaat Ahmadiyya had spent more than 100 years to make people understand that the doors of prophethood is never close, but when Allah tried them and sent at the beginning this humble one, they calumniated me and expelled me from the Nizam-é-Jamaat. It is in the times of Darkness that Allah raises His Messenger/s to revive the lost teachings of Tawheed. And we are in this present era living in darkness where the whole world has been plunged into darkness and none can save it except the Mercy of Allah through His Messengers.

As for the 5th Khalifa-tul Massih of Jamaat é Ahmadiyya I will not pronounce anything for the moment because till now he has not said anything either negative or positive on my claim. I had written to him but he kept his silence and even when last December he came to Mauritius for the Annual Jalsa Salana of Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, he did not come forward to know the truth about my claim as a recipient of Divine revelations having got a Divine Mission.


Do you claim to be the same Musleh Maud as prophesied by the Promised Messiah a.s.? If not then what title do you hold and for what divine mission your appointment has been made?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

On the 20th February 2004, Allah gave me the title of Musleh Ma'oud. I believe firmly that Allah has the capacity to raise more than one messenger, prophet, Mujjaddid, Muhyi-uddin, Massih, Mahdi, Musleh Ma'oud. Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s) said:

"It must be borne in mind that the expression 'the Imam of the age' comprises prophets, messengers, muhaddaseen and reformers, all of them Those who are not Divine appointed for the reform and guidance of mankind and are not invested with the requisite excellences, cannot be described as Imam of the age even if they are saints and abdal" (Zurooratul Imam)

All these titles denote one mission that is to bring mankind towards the Unicity of Allah (SWT). And Allah can send these messengers (be it one, two, three, or more) in the same epoch to work together to propagate Tawheed "La-Ilaha Illallah". And I believe also in the claim of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad as being a Musleh Ma'oud and in his times, he had done great works and planned to make Islam (through the advent of his father as the Promised Messiah of his time) wake up after its long sleep.

Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (r.a) said in a meeting at Hoshiarpur on the 20th February 1944: "I do not say that I am the only Promised One and that no other promise one will appear till the Day of Judgement. It appears from the prophecies of the Promised Messiah that some other promised ones will also come and some of them will appear after centuries. Indeed, God has told me that at one time He will send me a second time to the world and I will come for the reform of the world at a time when association with God will have become widespread. This means that my soul will, at some time, descend upon someone who will possess faculties and capacities like mine and he will, following in my footsteps, bring about a reform of the world. Thus, promised ones will appear in their due times according to the promise of God Almighty"

When a messenger of Allah comes into this world he does not bring anything new. The teachings already exist, but it is man, through time who tramples these teachings under their feet and brings bid'at (innovations) into the pure religion of Islam. Allah has raised me as Hazrat Mokarram Amir'oul Momeneen KhwajaMuhyi-uddin Khalifatullah, Musleh Ma'oud, Siraj-um Munir, and Qamaram Munira of this Era.


Have you been appointed through the direct revelation of Allah Almighty? If yes then can you please provide us with the wording of those revelations you based your claim on?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

Yes Alhamdollillah, I have been appointed by direct revelation of Allah Almighty. Each time He gave me a title, He make me understand the great task that lies for me.

1) On the 20th February He told me: "O descendant of Deen-e-Islam each time that in some place in the Universe religion declines and irreligion advances, I send someone with the rou-hil-Koudouss".

2) "You are the Mohyuddin of this era"

3) "O Mohyuddin, arise and create a new world".

4) "O Munir Ahmad Azim, Mohyuddin of this ERA. Your gathering is such that not only prophets but the Holy Prophet (s.a.w) himself is present. The status of your Holy Prophet (s.a.w) is boundless. You are the perfect illustration of this fact, O Azim. Many of your followers have achieved the supreme status of "Qutb" and "Abdaal"
- O Munir Ahmad Azim, you are known as the Reviver of religion, you are the strength of this religion, O Mohyuddin
- He who gets a drop of your ocean, Is the one who will reach the estination safely O Munir Azim! Without Allah's Gifts and Favours, the two Amir oul Momeneen are nothing, O Munir Azim!
- O Mohyuddin, saints (wali) are always in need of you; sainthood is yours and you are the distributor, O Mohyuddin
- O Mohyuddin! Tell your people, be courageous; my disciple, be cheerful and sing in ecstasy. You are among the one who acknowledge this saying.
- O Mohyuddin! My relation to you is above all relations. Your status is indeed high.

5) Allah told me: "... Tell these people, you have not come for propaganda or publicity or gaining disciples or devotees. I AM YOURS AND YOU ARE MINE. Where then is the need for publicity? I give not lectures but mixtures for your mental health and moral invigoration. So take my words as medicines necessary for your health..."


How would you measure your success so far since the creation of your Jama'at and what are your predictions for the future of your Jama'at?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

I will not define it as my success. Actually it is the decree of Allah that He should raise me as a Mohyuddin and put on my right side my brother Hazrat Amir'oul Momeneen Zafrullah Domun Saheb. Both of us have been commissioned by Allah as Warners and Bearers of glad tidings unto this world. And it is Allah Himself who has raised Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen for the reform of Islam. Several times we have received the revelation "Laa ghaliba illallaho" which means no one but Allah will be victorious. At present our number in Mauritius is around 65 persons including men, women and children. We have already registered our Jamaat in India. I have had phone-in conversations with some members in an Arab country. Ahmadis from a major Muslim country have believed in us and they are in the process of registering the jamaat. In another place in Africa some French speaking people have said that they have joined us and they are in the process of registering the jamaat. But we should remember that our success will be measured by the transformation that Incha Allah will be brought in people's lives. Like Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s) I will say that as far as numbers are concerned it would be better to have few but good members rather than many and not so good ones.

I can with full trust and faith in Allah (SWT) say that Allah is with His Messengers and His Jamaat. Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen is the One True Jamaat of Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s).

Allah told me: "Do not worry, the Jamaat will grow step by step". When the papers were sent for the registration of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen, Allah revealed to me:

"Qaddarallaho Fama Shaaa fa'al" (Allah has determined, He does what He

On 18 February 1945, Hazrat Musleh Ma'oud Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (r.a) said during an address:

"Our future is bound up with Africa...".

One thing that I can tell you is that it is not for nothing that Hazrat Bilal(r.a) had shed his blood for the sake of Islam. Today Allah has raised two Messengers in Mauritius, forming part of the continent of Africa.

Allah shall be my Guide and the One to guide Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen to its full bloom. All prophets have started this way with their small numbers of followers who later spread all over the world as lights bearers of glad tidings of the truth of the Unicity of Allah (SWT).

"Inna Salaati, wa nusuki, wa mahyaaya, wa mamaati, Rabbul Aalamin" (My Prayers, my devotion, my life, my death all belong to Allah the Rab (Lord) of the worlds).

By the grace of Allah, All praise belong to Him in whom my life is found, who has put the blessings of revelations in Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen, where even women and children are getting revelations. This has been prophesied by Hazrat Mohammad (s.a.w) and Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (a.s) where he says:

"The age of the Promised Messiah has this special characteristic that in the ancient scriptures and the ahadees it is recorded that at the time of his advent this spread of spirituality will reach a degree in which women will also receive revelation, and minor children will be able to prophecy, and the common people will speak with the power of the Holy Spirit. All this will be a manifestation of the spirituality of the Promised Messiah" (Zuroora-tul Imam)

Divine Success is when Allah is with you and that is my success; and Allah's success. Allah has revealed me at a time when all I desired was to  retire in a room and be only with my Rab and die in that state of submission but Allah told me:

"I will make you famous all over the world"

The first step which I (Mohyuddin) took to fulfill my mission was to remind Muslims and Ahmadis the important distinction between the shell and the kernel, between the externals of a faith and its substance and spirit. I found (with the command of Allah) the JAMAAT AHMADIYYA AL MOUSLEMEEN; every entrant into which, while declaring his faith had to declare, "I will hold my religion above all worldly considerations, 'faith above world'", therefore, became the slogan of JAMAAT AHMADIYYA AL MOUSLEMEEN.


Would you like to give any special message to the current Khalifa Mirza Masroor Ahmad and the rest of the members of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

I invite Hazrat Masroor Ahmad Saheb to join hands with Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen so that we can work together as one body and one soul to invite mankind towards "La-Ilaha Illallah" and to reunite the Ummah of our beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w) and the followers of Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s). As the Leader of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya he bears a heavy responsibility in the way he guides his members. As a muttaqi he should try to know first hand about us and then make a decision. He should not abuse his position by not informing the members of the jamaat that Allah has raised a Mohyuddin for their own benefit. If he hides this truth from them, he bears a heavy burden because he will be an impediment to their guidance.

As far as the members of the Jamaat are concerned they should read from our website and enquire from us directly what we stand for. They should also cultivate only Allah's fear and love in their heart and once they understand that something is true, they should not let love and fear of anyone other than Allah to stand in their way. It is my prayer that Allah opens their heart and guides them all to Him. They should also remember that in matters of faith they have personal responsibility and on the day of resurrection they will be questioned about the way they acted vis-à-vis Allah's prophets. Furthermore remember well that their Khalifa will be of no avail to them on the day of resurrection when they will be questioned about the Guidance that came to them from Allah.


What is your opinion towards AhmadiyyaNews? Do you think there was a need for an independent media within the Jama'at? if yes then how would you describe that need?

Munir Ahmad Azim:

From time to time I am informed of what is published on AhmadiyyaNews. I should say I do not know much about you. From what I gather this site has been created to denounce the "dictatorial ways" of the jamaat's establishment. If you remain within that limit and you use Islamic ways it is fine. However you should remember that in order to be fair you should also present the other side's point of view. Furthermore, you should not allow yourself to become an instrument for 'freedom of expression' where everything is to be published. Of course if you see injustice you should fight it but in the Islamic way. From what we understand Jamaat Ahmadiyya's reform will be done in the same way as Allah has reformed other religions in the past i.e. by raising someone with the Holy Spirit (ruhoul quddous) and that person calls the people towards the real Tauhid. Please see "Declaration of Hazrat Mokarram Zafrullah Domun' on our website. In addition Jamaat Ahmadiyya should stick to its original purpose as set out by Hazrat Massih Ma'oud (a.s) to guide people towards Allah because He is "Our Paradise". Everything else is secondary. If we fail in
this purpose we fail in everything. If we succeed we get everything. May Allah guide us all to understand this fundamental objective. May Allah be our Guide, Jazakallah Khair once again,


Munir Ahmad Azim,
Hazrat Amir'oul Momeneen Muhyi-uddin,
Jamaat Ahmadiyya Al Mouslemeen

P.S: Our website has been updated lately with an appeal to my brothers and sisters of Ahmadiyya Association and to the Islamic World and other faiths in general. Feel free to check it up. You may find more answers to your various questions there.

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